Thursday, November 14, 2013

Human Rights Maps: Debt Relief and the HIPC Initiative

1. Why have some countries donated more in aid to the victims of Typhoon Haiyan than others?
- Countries that donated more probably want to maintain a good relationship with Philippines especially when they highly interact with economic activities (like trading). Also, if countries that donated or helped Philippines get into a trouble, Philippines would help as much as they can. So it is like a "give and take". Or they just simply may have a higher GDP than the others.

2. How does the aid being sent to victims of Typhoon Haiyan represent the following:




Sunday, November 10, 2013

Disaster Reflection

How does the devastation brought from Typhoon Haiyan make you feel?
Although I am living in the Philippines, I did not know much about how devastating this typhoon was until I read some articles about it.

How should people prepare for and respond to disasters like Typhoon Haiyan?
I believe that the government should build stronger infrastructure for the sake of people's safety. The government should also be ready for the damages earlier by preparing emergency food, water and hygiene kits that will be mobilized and distributed to the victims.

Why do people live in vulnerable areas?
Rent and housing prices in areas that are less vulnerable to the natural disaster tend to be significantly higher, but people living in vulnerable areas are not wealthy enough to transfer.